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Archive for Commie Bastards

Satan-worshipping pedophiles?

Tonight Show” host Jimmy Fallon buried his head in his hands Friday after Donald Trump reacted to his indictment with what appeared to be a glaring typo.

Trump had furiously responded to news of his legal trouble by seemingly misspelling “indicted” as “INDICATED” in one of his all-caps statements to social media Thursday. The indictment comes as Trump is investigated over a hush-money payment to a porn actor.

“When asked how he’ll plead, Trump wrote ‘nut gravy,’” Fallon joked on his show.

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What is Gun Culture?

Gun culture encompasses the behaviours, attitudes, and beliefs about firearms and their usage by civilians, including children.

Note the requisite photo taker in background.
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WW Three will be between the China/Russia coalition and the rest of the world. Basically, the Communists vs the Capitalists.

Russia and China Unveil a Pact Against America and the West

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Doomsday Clock signals highest ever peril level

The clock moved 10 seconds closer to human destruction.

The symbolic Doomsday Clock has moved closer than ever to midnight, declaring humanity perilously close to catastrophe.

The clock, set to 90 seconds to midnight, marks how close our planet is to complete annihilation because of man made actions.

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Stupid… old school stoopid

The Amerikins (once again) prove their country is nothing more than a staging area for gun fanatics and political asses

“A Twisted Piece of Wire Isn’t Just a Symbol of Dangerous Abortions; It’s a Symbol of Inequality.”

Once again, the Anonymous®️ Show proves we are ahead of the curve covering issues that just won’t go away. We first reported on this in 2016!

More stories on abortion

Update: 15 weeks of bullshit

Russian invasion of Ukraine: 24 February 2022 – present (3 mths, 2 wks and 3 days)

Greetings again from the darkness. Like millions of people around the world, we’re heartbroken and appalled by the ongoing crisis unfolding in Ukraine, a sovereign nation where millions of innocent people have been forcibly displaced from their homes, their lives, and their families. The right to safety and freedom should never be partisan. Click now to lend your support for the people of Ukraine.

The troubling legacy of feminine care products

Why are women, particularly those of color, still using these products, which are widely considered unnecessary and can potentially lead to infections or skin irritation, among other concerns? The answer, according to researchers, gynecologists and historians, is a complicated one that involves racism, tradition and targeted advertising.

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It’s time to start saving Ukraine

So easy to be “shocked and saddened” from the comfort of your leather easy chair! – however there are people from around the globe who are rallying to the Ukraine’s defence by volunteering time, money and their lives as freedom fighters. Not enough.

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I dreamt I killed Vladimir Putin!

I’m so upset at shithead’s wanton hubris, I’ve had to STOP producing. My heart is breaking for all Ukrainians as that arrogant Putin Prick doesn’t quite get it. It? INVADING SOVEREIGN NATIONS IS WRONG MOTHERFUCKER!

GUNS? | what the hell is wrong with you?

Nothing says “I love you” better than a brand new shotgun! Get one for your Dad TODAY!!!

NEXT on the Anonymous®️Show

American Retards on Parade!

White Supremacists Rally in D.C.

WASHINGTON, D.C.—A group of Racist Motherfuckers stormed through downtown Washington, D.C. Saturday evening, bearing American flags and ridiculous plastic shields while marching to the beat of a snare drum down the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Chanting aggressively about their plans to “reclaim America,” they immediately attracted the attention of law enforcement, who shadowed the group to forestall any conflict. Fucking embarrassing.

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FuckBook finally crawls back online

After an 8hr global outage, Mark Fuckerberg‘s giant piece of shit returns. Too bad. The quiet was entirely too loud for some users.

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SkyNet®️ in the very beginning

Surveillance is the first step to control. As governments come to believe they are in charge, it’s refreshing to witness the truth.



Both a disease of the soul and repugnant…

Racist fucks
Flags commonly used by hate groups include: Celtic cross flag, Nazi flag, Confederate battle flag and SS flag

TRUMPERS headed to D.C. last week and left no doubt that U.S. stupidity is alive and well. Hopefully, Darwinian theory will prevail and racism will die a horrible death.

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QAnon and other dark forces are radicalizing uneducated America!

We won’t name this motherfucker because that’s the only reason he’s dressed like a retard (sorry REAL retards) fuck you stoopid!

QAnon is an American conspiracy theory. But its central belief is this: A government official with top-secret “Q” clearance anonymously posted cryptic clues about secret investigations being conducted by Trump into a “deep state” cabal of elites that controlled a child sex trafficking ring.

Say what?

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