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candy flipping | Promise Keeper

I could hear Gloria talking on a cellphone. Candyflipping. That’s what she was saying we were doing. She was under the impression we had taken acid and Ecstasy. I didn’t care.

As time went on I didn’t care more. I didn’t care more. Was there a Star of David? Was there a never ending war in the holy land? I began to laugh. I could hear the laugh build on the last laugh and the laughter tumbled onto the last laugh. It started slowly, and built on the blocks of laughter beneath it. It was hilarious.

There was a metal stop sign in my stomach. A little metal pole peeked up into my throat, my esophagus. I don’t have tonsils I just have that punching bag deally hanging there. I realized I was still laughing though. Laughter rolling through the universe. Roaring through the galaxy it was my voice laughing. Genghis Khan ruler of rulers roaming the universe and not caring more. A positively negative mass. Haw haw haw.

Everywhere stars hung, I swung. It was cold and dry. There was a low, rumbling rat-at-tat-tat. A tumbling series of stumbling blocks. When I stopped swinging to look at the tumbling stumblers they caught me and I realized it was my voice, laughing, rumbling, tumbling behind me, beneath me, spilling out before me. Everywhere my laughter echoed and little voices talked about it.

“Who is that laughing?”
“Who do you think?”
“Heh heh heh heh heh” echo-echo-echo.

A hillbilly fat bitch intruded. “I can’t understand a goddamn thing you say.”
That’s what she said. It was not important. There were more planets, limited time.

Curiosity abounded as I bounded from place to place. I didn’t know I was saying anything and maybe I wasn’t. Maybe she was full of shit. I cast away the thought.
“You’re full of shit!” There. It was gone. No more pulling around train loads of bullshit. I cut it all loose. Top ten things I don’t give a fuck about.

1. All that bullshit

This was sooo funny that I wanted to laugh, but I was already laughing at something. Faces were peering in, into my space. Curious faces wanted to know, but more importantly, I studied the faces and they shrank away from my gaze. They were bugs. I was an inspector. The security guard I was looking for had arrived.
The air was a void. It was dry and clear. I knew it wouldn’t last. Syrup was coming, but for now, things were cool.

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