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Satan-worshipping pedophiles?

Tonight Show” host Jimmy Fallon buried his head in his hands Friday after Donald Trump reacted to his indictment with what appeared to be a glaring typo.

Trump had furiously responded to news of his legal trouble by seemingly misspelling “indicted” as “INDICATED” in one of his all-caps statements to social media Thursday. The indictment comes as Trump is investigated over a hush-money payment to a porn actor.

“When asked how he’ll plead, Trump wrote ‘nut gravy,’” Fallon joked on his show.

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Millions of Facebook users have had their login info compromised. No surprise!

Mark Fuckerberg’s Facebook profile displayed on a phone screen and Facebook logo displayed on a screen in the background

Facebook parent Meta is warning 1 million users that their login information may have been compromised through malicious apps.

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Fox Admits to Fake Report about a Woman Trampled to Death. 1.3 million retweet it.

Another American “reporter” has been exposed as her entirely fictitious claim about a woman dying after being trampled by a Canadian authority on horseback amid trucker protests in Ottawa ongoing is discovered to be nothing but a completely fabricated lie.

While the claim wasn’t accurate, Ms. Carter’s false tweet was red-meat for her over 1.3 million conservative Twitter followers, who quickly amplified the baseless death as fabricated evidence of Canadian government wrongdoing.

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‘I’m not going to get vaccinated’ – Nobody cares Joe. Get over yourself assclown!


American retard Joey Rogain sitting down.

Some people are just too fucking stupid to live !!

An Italian anti-vaxxer and COVID-denier who sparked outrage after declaring himself a “plague spreader” and boasting about how he walked around sick and maskless in a supermarket has died of COVID-19, according to local media reports.

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GUNS? | what the hell is wrong with you?

Nothing says “I love you” better than a brand new shotgun! Get one for your Dad TODAY!!!

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American Retards on Parade!

White Supremacists Rally in D.C.

WASHINGTON, D.C.—A group of Racist Motherfuckers stormed through downtown Washington, D.C. Saturday evening, bearing American flags and ridiculous plastic shields while marching to the beat of a snare drum down the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Chanting aggressively about their plans to “reclaim America,” they immediately attracted the attention of law enforcement, who shadowed the group to forestall any conflict. Fucking embarrassing.

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What have these fools been smoking? Get a refund!!

Trump has been in deep denial over his 2020 election loss, to the point where he and those around him still refer to him as “the president” and have apparently even held pretend Cabinet meetings.

The world applauded as the USA FINALLY jettisoned their assclown extraordinaire pre-pandemic. THANK FUCK for small mercies.

Problem is, this asshole can’t seem to take a hint! Donny! When you LOSE, the correct and “decent “ thing to do is to fuck off into obscurity and gracefully fade to black…


Hey! Moron (yes, you) Go delete your stupid facebook account and get with the goddamned program already!!

Jonas Edward Salk (/sɔːlk/; born Jonas Salk; October 28, 1914 – June 23, 1995) was an American virologist and medical researcher who developed one of the first successful polio vaccines.

What is all this whining about? Roll up your goddamned sleeve and shut the fuck up! You assholes are putting everyone else at risk because you’re too fucking stupid to either die or get vaccinated for Covid-19.

TIP: there is no “belief” in any of this – it’s not religion, it’s SCIENCE. I know you’re all uneducated assholes who probably voted for fellow asshole Trump, but REALLY – if you think (DO YOU think? I doubt most of you have the capacity for that) if you think that the rest of us are going to put up with your foolishness much longer, you’re truly more stoopid than you look. WE ARE COMING FOR YOU and I’ll be the first one to volunteer and pin your sorry ass to the floor while we jab that fucking needle in your arm or up your ass! You have no idea just how dumb this entire “argument” has become. SHUT IT !!

FuckBook finally crawls back online

After an 8hr global outage, Mark Fuckerberg‘s giant piece of shit returns. Too bad. The quiet was entirely too loud for some users.

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Redact my genitals? “Nevermind.”

1991 iconic album cover.

In a strange news story, the baby you see above has hired a few scum-sucking (is that hyphenated?) lawyers to attempt to wrestle CASH MONEY from 30 years back.

FUCK YOU RETARD !! You had a small duck then and my guess is it’s still a puny prick – like you. On the other hand, you ARE chasing money in the photo… aren’t you?

So… self fulfilling prophecy? Or just greedy fuck. Google if you give a shit about the story – we don’t.

Goodbye you stupid asshole!

Why are so many republicans so dumb!?

Show my dick on the Internet? Why hell yes man! Adventures in Spam™️

Ever since I received this sexy email, I’ve had a constant hard-on waiting for relief!

Guy with a GIANT COCK!

And so it begins. Ignorant third-world fucks attempt to intimidate the intimidator. Good luck Asshole!

Send in a voice message:

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QAnon and other dark forces are radicalizing uneducated America!

We won’t name this motherfucker because that’s the only reason he’s dressed like a retard (sorry REAL retards) fuck you stoopid!

QAnon is an American conspiracy theory. But its central belief is this: A government official with top-secret “Q” clearance anonymously posted cryptic clues about secret investigations being conducted by Trump into a “deep state” cabal of elites that controlled a child sex trafficking ring.

Say what?

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I have tried and tried. But I cannot understand why the US educational system has failed and produced people with no grasp of reality. HOW is it possible to be completely clueless? WHY are these people so STUPID?

It’s not funny. This idiot has had access to the worlds greatest nuclear Arsenal. He still does.