Anonymous® Radio Show

The Internet's Premier LIVE Programme™

Archive for Assclowns

About Mr. Anonymous®️

Mind-numbing Prescription DRUGS guarantee American citizens remain DRUGGED to death!

The Anonymous® Radio Show is an internet programme that discusses a variety of weighty topics, including social issues.

The Anonymity angle is also a way of poking fun at political correctness.

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Reasons you should limit your social media usage.

You spend hours on Facebook, Instagram, etc. Can social media make you paranoid?

Ironically for a technology that’s designed to bring people closer together, spending too much time engaging with social media can actually make you feel more lonely and isolated—and exacerbate mental health problems such as anxiety and depression.

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American Guide to Gun Ctrl

Shopping for YOUR next instrument of death?

Guns are deeply ingrained in American society and that nation’s political debates.

The Second Amendment to the Constitution gives Americans the right to bear arms, and about a third of U.S. adults say they personally own a gun. At the same time, President Joe Biden and other policymakers earlier this year proposed new restrictions on firearm access in an effort to address gun violence ranging from rising murder rates in some major cities to mass shootings.

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Scientology®️back in court.

Scientology®️ remains a fuck-up. 10 years after leaving, actress Leah Remini has finally filed suit.

A lawsuit filed against the “Church” of Scientology contains a number of very disturbing allegations against that organization, its practices and high-ranking members including fellow actor Tom Cruise.

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The “glittery bandwagon of trans activism.” Trans Women Are Banned from the Miss Italy Pageant

Trans men are entering the Miss Italy pageant in droves to make a political statement about the transphobic rules of the competition.

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What is Gun Culture?

Gun culture encompasses the behaviours, attitudes, and beliefs about firearms and their usage by civilians, including children.

Note the requisite photo taker in background.
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Millions of Facebook users have had their login info compromised. No surprise!

Mark Fuckerberg’s Facebook profile displayed on a phone screen and Facebook logo displayed on a screen in the background

Facebook parent Meta is warning 1 million users that their login information may have been compromised through malicious apps.

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Infowars’ asshole claims bankruptcy. About time !!

Jerkoff Jones: Alex is running for cover after the courts officially decided he was an asshole.

Twenty first-graders and six educators were killed in the December 2012 shooting. The gunman, 20-year-old Adam Lanza, killed his mother at their Newtown home before the shooting, and killed himself at the school as police arrived, officials said.

The shooting was portrayed on Jones’ Infowars show as a hoax involving actors aimed at increasing gun control.

Jones has since acknowledged the school shooting did occur.

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I dreamt I killed Vladimir Putin!

I’m so upset at shithead’s wanton hubris, I’ve had to STOP producing. My heart is breaking for all Ukrainians as that arrogant Putin Prick doesn’t quite get it. It? INVADING SOVEREIGN NATIONS IS WRONG MOTHERFUCKER!

Fox Admits to Fake Report about a Woman Trampled to Death. 1.3 million retweet it.

Another American “reporter” has been exposed as her entirely fictitious claim about a woman dying after being trampled by a Canadian authority on horseback amid trucker protests in Ottawa ongoing is discovered to be nothing but a completely fabricated lie.

While the claim wasn’t accurate, Ms. Carter’s false tweet was red-meat for her over 1.3 million conservative Twitter followers, who quickly amplified the baseless death as fabricated evidence of Canadian government wrongdoing.

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‘I’m not going to get vaccinated’ – Nobody cares Joe. Get over yourself assclown!


American retard Joey Rogain sitting down.

Global Netizens are sharing a dozen things the Americans aren’t ready to hear, so buckle up! the opinions are absolutely brutal.

The current imperialist flag. So far.

Non-Americans have some strong opinions and questions when it comes to the US, and according to this viral Reddit thread, they’re not afraid to show it. Recently we asked non-Americans, “What’s something that Americans aren’t ready to hear?” and the results are fascinating.

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Will Omicron kill the unvaccinated? We can only hope…

So you find my headline a little harsh? Well – fuck you. And fuck all your stupid “anti-vax” morons. Get the jab or get the fuck out of our way. STAY on facebook and STAY STOOPID!

American Retards on Parade!

White Supremacists Rally in D.C.

WASHINGTON, D.C.—A group of Racist Motherfuckers stormed through downtown Washington, D.C. Saturday evening, bearing American flags and ridiculous plastic shields while marching to the beat of a snare drum down the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Chanting aggressively about their plans to “reclaim America,” they immediately attracted the attention of law enforcement, who shadowed the group to forestall any conflict. Fucking embarrassing.

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Fuck you and fuck your “rights”


Fuck me if I’m wrong, but I do believe we are ALL members of the public. Therefore it’s not a stretch to think (look it up morons) that this means YOU, me and EVERYONE gets the opportunity to get vaccinated. What the fuck is wrong with your sorry ass? You think you know something the worlds best scientists do not? GET OVER YOURSELF! Nobody cares!!