Anonymous® Radio Show

The Internet's Premier LIVE Programme™

Archive for Big Brother

American teen charged with “illegal” abortion to be jailed under new law!

The latest twist in America’s freakish laws have rekindled the perennial struggle between women and the religious right…

19-year old Celeste Burgess, found guilty of having an illegal abortion in Nebraska when she was 17 and disposing of the fetus was sentenced to 90 days in jail following a plea agreement.

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SkyNet®️ in the very beginning

Surveillance is the first step to control. As governments come to believe they are in charge, it’s refreshing to witness the truth.


Milk is Killing You and your Family!

BIG dairy is lying to you. Intentionally!

Reasons Why You’ll Want to Stay Far Away From Dairy.

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Why Google fears Apple and the Chinese

Google is a notorious data collector — so you’re really paying for its “free” services with your privacy. But now the Chinese want a piece of the action too…

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Transtesticles in the U.S. Army?

  • Here’s how I feel about the American military:

Anyone dumb enough to want to be in the military should be allowed in. End of fucking story. I don’t care how many push-ups you can do – put on a helmet, go wait in that fox hole. We’ll tell you when we need you to kill somebody. I’ve been watching all these Congressional hearings and all these military guys and all the pundits going, “The esprit de corps will be affected, and we are such a mora …” Excuse me, but aren’t you all a bunch of fucking hired killers? Shut up! You are thugs, and when we need you to go blow the fuck out of a nation of little brown people, we’ll let you know.

Celebrating Ten Years on the Air!

Unbelievable we have been at this since 2008. Our objectives remain valid and even more important for the internet’s citizens to protect FREE SPEECH. (Fuck you potus)

The Anonymous® Show is an internet radio programme that discusses a variety of weighty topics, including social issues. The Anonymity angle is also a way of poking fun at political correctness.

“I strongly believe there is NO acceptable form of censorship in a TRULY free society, only OPEN debate and discussion. That is true tolerance; the tolerance of another’s ideas. Too many people don’t express their feelings because they’re afraid of what other people might think. By helping them retain the internet’s cloak of anonymity, strangers can reveal what they would really like to say”

We’re going to Kill You Now?

The death penalty is morally indefensible and has no place in the 21st century. I will be interviewing shortly and welcome viewpoints from both camps. I can hardly wait to feel the cold-hearted vengeance rip through the phone lines as the useless emotion of revenge takes it’s toll on the victim’s families… by all means, PLEASE send us as much hate mail as you can !!


Exposé : What it’s like working at a Gay Bathhouse by “Bob Johnson”

An insider perspective from an employee’s point of view…

To hetero-folks, a bathhouse, at least the gay ones, stand as sketchy monuments to random sex with strangers. And in all honesty, they’re not that wrong.

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Heeeyyyyyy… Farty Pants!!

Flatulence in the elevator? Take our Quiz! Win a Whoopie Cushion?

When the shit goes down, I usually :

A. Pretend it wasn’t me!

B. Ask someone to open a window?

C. Kill the obvious offender (or the person I find the most offensive)

If someone is convinced it was me :

A. Let out a second blast to confirm and stand my ground while proudly stating “it’s not THAT bad”

B. Strangle my ass by crossing my thighs and hoping for the best !!!!

C. Deny, deny, deny. Lie through my teeth like the guilty motherfucker I am!

To be continued… (as soon as this cloud clears!)

Real Life Korean Drama?

As we edge closer to the abyss, I thought you might want to see what the poets are doing…


Source: Real Life Korean Drama

Why r u still using a Keyboard?

Time for a new phone. So I asked a friend to let me test drive a **hemorrhoid home** waiting of course for the release of the new iPhone in the fall.

Turns out that Google’s voice typing is funny as hell (**Android phone – although I’m keeping hemorrhoid!!) BUTT (sic) it can hardly be considered an effective dictation recorder.

Anonymous usage report? Gee, thanks Google!! They only gave me three choices…

Intonation choices: Expressive (fuck you Charlie,) somewhat expressive (you Bastardo),  FLAT (politically correct) and off. No REDNECK setting.

STILL on holiday and can hardly wait to get back to The Studios to record more audio gems!! (Join our listener list or look for it here)

At best it’s improved greatly since I last looked at AI and at worse it’s a waste of my time…

Uphemisms | “De-confliction?


Heard a real zinger on the radio last week. Sure, Pammykins can bitch at me for “non-words” but this one is completely new! THIS IS NOT A FUCKING WORD !!

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Amerikin Boyz and their War Toyz

Penile Power

Ever notice how all missiles are penis-shaped? That’s no accident…

Unbelievably, last week the local newspaper featured a photo of the bomb the US military used to murder men in the tunnels of Afghanistan.
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Afternoon Siesta Anyone?

Woken up tired again? Us too! *yawns * But it turns out there could be a very good reason we always feel zonked, even after getting the golden eight hours. Experts believe that actually sleeping once a day at night isn’t actually beneficial to us. Instead we should hitting the hay twice a day.
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Catholic sexual abuse scandal?

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